FIFA approves both candidates for the 2026 World Cup

Two candidates have been approved for the organization of the 2026 World Cup: Morocco and the US, Canada and Mexico together. After an investigation, FIFA has decided that both candidates meet the minimum requirements for the World Cup.

Since August 11, 2017, it has been known that there are only 2 candidates for the organization of the 2026 World Cup, while the bidding process is already in progress. started in 2015. In 2018, FIFA inspectors visited and investigated the countries. Their conclusion is that both candidates meet the minimum requirements.

This does not mean that the host countries have an equal chance of being awarded the tournament. The risks in the case of Morocco are much greater than the risks in the US, Canada and Mexico.

Morocco, for example, has no stadiums that are large and safe enough for the World Cup, while the other 3 countries together have more than enough stadiums available.

Morocco also lags far behind the other candidate in terms of other accommodations and transport. However, the support of the Moroccan government is excellent, while Trump and his government are quite demanding and can be difficult to act.

The scores are:

  • USA , Canada and Mexico: 4 / 5
  • Morocco: 2.7 / 5

The minimum score was set by the world football association set at 2.7.

Obviously, the revenues and costs of the 2026 World Cup are also of great importance to FIFA:

  • USA, Canada and Mexico< /strong>: $14.3 billion in revenue and $1.9 billion in costs
  • Morocco: $6.2 billion in revenue and $1.6 billion in costs

On Wednesday 13 June 2018 it will be announced who will host the 2026 FIFA World Cup.

Read all news »
Date published: 01-06-2018 16:30 | Date modified: 01-06-2018 | Author: Patrick de Graaf


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Candidates have been approved for the organization of the 2026 World Cup: Morocco and the US, Canada and Mexico. Morocco, however, scores much lower.

About the author

Patrick (author and webmaster)

Author of this content is Patrick. I have been playing soccer for more than 25 years and follow the daily news closely. My hobbies include playing football, running and maintaining various websites, in addition to my job as a financial professional.

I do not work for any related company or institution, so the information is reliable and independent. The information has been collected accurately from reliable sources and is regularly updated.